Communion, Participation, Mission "The purpose of the synod…is not to produce documents, but to plant dreams, draw forth prophecies and visions, allow hope to be nourished, inspire trust, bind up wounds, weave together relationships, awaken a dawn of hope, learn from one another, and create a bright resourcefulness that will enlighten minds, warm hearts, give strength to our hands." Pope Francis
The 2021-22 Appeal is underway. Watch this brief video for a message from Bishop Matano and prayerfully consider your donation. Your parish family thanks you.
This Thanksgiving, share your abundant blessings with those who have less. Please sign up today to bring a Thanksgiving food gift card (Wegmans, Tops, or ALDI) to a family in need. Tap for details.
Pray the Rosary. Pray it privately, with your partner, with your kids. Pray it in silence or aloud. Pray along with the Hallow app, or another podcast of your choice. Tap for a list of more opportunities to pray the Rosary with others during October, the Month of the Rosary.
All parishioners are invited to contribute to our Faith Formation Blessing Bag project as part of our October Sacred & Social theme, providing personal hygiene supplies to those in need. Bins for your donations will be available in the foyer from October 11-October 24. Thank you! Tap for details.
Who decorates our worship spaces, tends the flowers, and makes sure our churches are beautiful, inside and out? We have our Art and Environment Ministries to thank for that!
You, our parishioners, do so much to help our neighbors in need. Our Mercy Fund (at Assumption) and Caring & Sharing Ministry (at Resurrection) both help connect your generosity directly with those in need in the Fairport area.
This week’s Spotlight is on the Ministry of the Video Technician. During the pandemic, we've relied on them to livestream every Mass from Assumption, but that's not all they do for us. Read to see why Fr. George is looking for more video techs -- at Resurrection!
As a result of our very successful Faith, Hope, and Sharing Program this past fall, Fr. George will be sharing a Spotlight on Ministry with us each week. This week's spotlight: Angel Tree and Caring & Sharing.
You are cordially invited to participate in Sacred Conversations on Race to listen, dialogue and engage with approximately 15 people from Fairport and the same number of our black neighbors from Open Arms Christian Fellowship Ministries in Rochester. This may be one of the most important invitations you will receive this year ... it will change forever how you view the world of people of color. Click for full details.