“Through their suffering my servants shall justify many, and bear their guilt.”
(Isaiah 53:10-11)
Several scripture scholars see the suffering servant as describing Jesus, who would come centuries after Isaiah said these words. We who are baptized into Christ and try to teach and serve as Jesus did will also suffer.
Even though Jesus let James and John know that suffering is part of discipleship, they did not understand. Instead they asked him for places of Honor! (Mark 10:35-45) They think they will share a cup of victory, not of suffering. We have acquaintances today who still think following Jesus will make them pain free and even wealthy! Hopefully, we will sense some healing and support, but Jesus makes it very clear that our commitment to him requires self-giving. Jesus describes himself as one who serves and gives his life for all. And he not only expects the same of us, but feeds and nurtures us to do the same--and even gives us a community for whom serving is our most important action.
This weekend throughout our nation, prayer is flowing in many congregations for the well-being of our most vulnerable children. We are asked to read and sign a letter to Governor Cuomo advocating for children who need speech, occupational, or physical therapies. Those letters are on the table in our church foyer. Please read, sign and leave your letter in labeled basket on that table this weekend!