Pictured is Paul Procaccini preparing the altar for Mass at the Church of the Resurrection. Paul (and many other volunteers like him) work so quietly behind the scenes that you’d never know they were there. These wonderful volunteers, called
Sacristans, open the church building, turn on the lights and the sound system, get the necessary items ready for Mass. This is no easy task because the Mass changes each day. Finding the correct pages for the Scriptural readings, setting the necessary ribbons in the Roman Missal, making sure there are enough hosts for Holy Communion, and lighting the candles -- all this takes time and attention, and all of it needs to be in place before Mass can begin. Next time you come to Mass, say a prayer of thanks for the
Sacristan who helped prepare the church ahead of time so you could enjoy such prayerful moments.
Sacristans work 365 days a year, every time the Eucharist is celebrated in one of our churches.