How does your life reflect God richly pouring the Holy Spirit into you?
As promised in today’s Psalm 104:30 by cooperating with God’s grace, together, we renew the face of the earth.
Today’s reading from the letter to Titus assures us of the Holy Spirit saving us and training us to reject godless ways and live justly and devoutly in this age. Our humility in the face of such wondrous news brings us face to face with the reality that we are not left on this earth to fend for ourselves. We are God’s people. We are not defined by our failures. We are called and gifted by God and so are full of potential for goodness. This doesn’t mean we will never do wrong, but the Holy Spirit nudges us to recognize that when we do so, we can make amends, mean it when we say we are sorry, and with God’s help try to be the best version of ourselves.
Since we really are filled with the Holy Spirit, we can no longer hide behind whatever is holding us back from speaking up and acting to alleviate human suffering. It is the Holy Spirit who shows us human needs. It is the Holy Spirit who gifts us with compassion. It was the Holy Spirit who prompted Jesus’ cousin John the Baptist to announce, “He (Jesus) will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.”