Repeats every first Wednesday of the month until June5, 2024
Location:Church of the Assumption
We also will continue to make prayer shawls, lap blankets and Baptismal blankets for children being Baptised in our parishes. Prayer shawls (about 60-72 inches in size; square or rectangular), lap blankets (24 inches by 30-36-40 inches long), Baptismal Blankets (32 inches by 32-34-36 inches, white yarn only, available at parish offices) hats/scarves/ and mittens for homeless or those in need.
Last year, the parishes of Church of the Assumption and Church of the Resurrection generously distributed more than 100 hats, scarfs, and mittens to those in need. Our two parishes comforted more than 55 people in need of prayer shawls and lap blankets.
If you would like ot be a part of this important ministry contact the prayer shawl ministry line (585-388-0040 ext 1344) and Pat or Becky will get back to you as soon as possible.