Reading 1, Acts 9:26-31
Responsorial Psalm, Psalms 22:26-27, 28, 30, 31-32
Gospel, John 15:1-8
Reading 2, First John 3:18-24
Today’s gospel is a portion of Jesus’ last talk with his disciples before his arrest and execution. It begins with one of several “I am” statements, pointing to Jesus’ divinity. (See Exodus 3:13-14 when Moses asks for God’s name and God replies “I am who am…This is what you shall tell the Israelites: I AM sent me to you.”)
The image of Jesus as the vine, God the Father as the vine grower and Jesus’ disciples as the branches, should be a vivid one for us, since we live so close to the Finger Lakes wine region and can check out a real vineyard a few miles away. If a branch breaks off of a grape vine, it will die. If it remains part of the vine and is pruned, it will bear good fruit.
The Church is a grapevine—we are one with Jesus and apart from him there is no Church; apart from one another there is no real Christian life. We are so much more than a group of individuals showing up at a particular building to sing songs and say prayers. We are a community, truly one by virtue of our baptism. Are we ready to live as if we believe this? Are we willing to remain part of the grape vine?