This Sunday’s readings from Sirach and Luke both urge humility. I am deeply touched by a story of humility told by my niece Nicole Winfield who has for more than twenty years been Associated Press correspondent for the Vatican. She goes on all papal visits and has interviewed Popes John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Francis. On the return trip from Chili, Pope Francis said that those in Chili who said they were victims of clergy sex abuse were liars. Nicole, having listened to local investigative reporters in Chile, believed the victims. On their behalf, Nicole asked the holy Father to call for an investigation. He did. He sent Archbishop Scicluna whose thorough study discovered credible allegations of abuse. The courts and the Church followed up on the findings; the abusers and those who covered up for them will never again be free to harm anyone.
On the next papal trip, Pope Francis walked through the plane looking for Nicole. He thanked her with words so eloquent that correspondents who heard Pope Francis thank Nicole had his words put on a brass plaque for her. I find this story compelling. Not only is our pope a very good listener but he respects persons speaking to him. He took criticism so well that he acted on it. He acknowledged the criticism was accurate, found his critic and thanked her.
We pray as Pope Francis’ humility brings truth, justice and healing for victims throughout the world.
My child, conduct your affairs with humility, and you will be loved more than a giver of gifts.