Next Step: Assisted Suicide After legalizing abortion up to the moment of birth, and removing the protection of a baby born alive during an attempted abortion, New York State has now taken aim at the other end of the life continuum. The Governor and state legislators are considering a bill A02694 that would legalize assisted suicide in New York. This bill is similar to the current Oregon assisted suicide law. It does not require the patient to be a citizen of New York. It does not require a waiting period. Therefore any person could quickly die by assisted suicide in New York. This bill requires the physician to falsify the death certificate by stating that the cause of death is the medical condition and not assisted suicide.
While the Church recognizes and encourages compassionate care that alleviates the suffering of those who are near death, she also vigorously teaches that immoral means (such as euthanasia or assisted suicide) may never be used to reduce suffering.
Please let the governor and your NYS legislators know how you feel about this impending bill. Visit to get contact information for your legislators.