Reading I: 2 Kings 4:42-44
Responsorial Psalm 145:10-11, 15-16, 17-18
Reading II: Ephesians 4:1-6
Gospel: John 6:1-15
A boy’s generous offer of his loaves and fishes was blessed and shared by Jesus until all the crowds had their fill. Another kind of gift was blessed and shared in Katito, Kenya at Christ the King parish as we celebrated a glorious liturgy to bless the school built with Hannah Congdon’s Memorial Fund. Hannah, you will remember was one of our five “Faiport angels” who tragically died ten years ago not long after graduating from high school. Hannah had already planned to work with poor children. The gift given in her name serves hundreds of children. The four classroom school built in Hannah’s honor has added more classrooms. Christ the King’s pastor built a kiosk to display all our Fairport angels, forever. He also planted trees in a drought to affirm the abundance of God’s loving generosity.
Christ the King parishioners brought offertory gifts during the lively Spirit-filled mass dedicating the school. As they sang and danced toward the altar they carried jugs of water and small bars of soap and food with more joy than I have ever seen in church.
Closer to home, another Spirit-filled liturgy is celebrated with our migrant community, those who tend and pick and package food for our tables. Fr. Jesus Flores, pastor of Our Lady of Guadalupe parish in Marion, NY challenges the wider church to open ourselves to the gifts migrants bring to us. Like the boy who shared his food, centuries ago, farmworker’s gifts also feed the multitudes. Jesus blesses all.