Genesis 22:1-2, 9a,1-13, 15-18 When I was in seminary I studied and prayed with this scripture and wrote that the people who first told this story may have believed it happened the way it is told but that I do not believe God asked Abraham to kill his son, Isaac. I believe Abraham
thought that was what God was asking of him but, indeed, God stopped him from infanticide! Have you ever thought God wanted you to do something only to discover that was NOT what God wanted? Our rationalizing mind can trick us into catastrophic actions or non-actions. This is why we need spiritual companionship/direction, a wise and loving soul friend, someone with whom we can talk of our realities, how we pray, how God is working in this world, how God seems absent or not listening, and how we might listen better to God and God's people and recognize signs of faith and clarify experiences and goals. I was happily surprised to receive an "A" with affirmative comments on that paper I wrote
in seminary about Abraham listening to God in time to save his son's life!
Psalm 116: 10, 15, 16-19 "I believed even when I said, 'I am greatly afflicted.'" This prayer is one we may want to share with those we know who are having a hard time during this pandemic, young and old. And we can say it FOR those who do not want to say our prayers by just changing the pronoun to the person's name or say it for all first responders, all health care providers, and all volunteers giving out desperately needed food, health care, housing, and necessities. I say it for my granddaughter who is without water in Texas and for a son who is volunteering at a vaccination center.
Romans 8: 31b-24 If God is for us who can be against us? Humbly we realize God loves us. How will we express our gratitude for such love?
Mark 9: 2-10 The Transfiguration of Jesus on that mountain top so "terrified" Peter, James and John "they hardly knew what to say." And then they heard the majestic voice of God claim, "This is my beloved son, listen to him." God says every nanosecond of our lives, "Listen to Jesus." No matter where we are or what we are doing, God is saying to us, "Listen to Jesus." How can we listen better? When we really listen, we change and are empowered to do good we never before thought possible. Peter, James, and John were revitalized. They and we are made in the image of God. There is more to each one of us, a spark of the divine, the better version of ourselves than we ever could imagine. Our world view needs to change due to COVID impacting the poor so heinously and due to this current surge in the wealthy getting richer and the poor getting poorer and due to climate change. New visioning, new purpose, new drive, new potential for greatness requires listening to God. In a word the world needs transfiguration or at the least - transformation. What can be transformed for the common good? If we mostly work remotely can our office buildings become affordable housing for those with uninhabitable housing and for housing deprived people? How could we in good conscience leave them empty? What may seem a crazy idea needs investigating. Possibilities are endless and the poorest of the poor deserve our undivided attention and carefully thought out response. There is plenty of food grown but inadequate distribution to where food is most needed. There is not plenty of pure water but we all share a thirst for it. What will we do about that? This Lent, let's make some quiet time each day to listen to God to discern God's will and we will be transfigured, joyously. Blessings, Deni Mack,D.Min