At the start of the Lenten Season, we recall the forty days Jesus spent by himself in the desert, before he began his public ministry. This story reminds us that we should not make major decisions in our lives without serious prayer and reflection. But this can be risky, as it was for Jesus himself. Satan, the spirit of evil, was also in the desert, trying to get Jesus to do things his way. Jesus was not truly alone, however. Mark’s Gospel states that “angels ministered to him." And we can be certain that God’s Spirit did not leave him. The question for us is which spirit will we listen to? And how will we recognize the spirit of evil anyway? We need to be lifelong students of Jesus, so that with God’s help, we can make the distinction between right and wrong, between good and evil.
Our Gospel reading concludes with Jesus’ announcement that God’s Kingdom is now present in the world. Jesus’ own words and actions have made the Kingdom present. And we must carry on his work, through repentance (which means turning away from our self-centeredness) and belief (turning always, toward Jesus).