At our vacation bible school closing picnic, I enjoyed dining with one of our parishioners who has seven foster or adopted children ranging in age from 3 to 15. Their mom is a hospice nurse whose seven children are in various schools and programs that both benefit the children’s special needs and allow her to work full time to support this lovely brood.
The older children help the younger children eat and drink and play. Their “thank yous” were blessings to my ears. Their laughter made my heart sing.
Sometimes I feel like Elijah in today’s reading from the book of Kings. Like Elijah I want to lay down and fall asleep. But dining with Stephanie’s family is like being fed directly by God as Elijah was. After Elijah ate and drank, he was strengthened--and that is how I feel.
In 2008, before Stephanie began fostering and adopting children, she and I accompanied Joanne and Bill Cala on a trip to Kenya. We traveled with the Congdon family who built a school in Kenya with money donated in memory of their daughter, Hannah (one of the five Fairport high school grads who died June 26 ten years ago). We dedicated that school with a vibrant faith community whose joy resonated as they brought gifts to the altar with rousing dance and song. They help us demonstrate by our love that Jesus is the Living Bread that came down from heaven.